Heading Out ~
Sun’s up, sky’s blue, and here in Santa Barbara, there’s no spring snow (unlike Colorado). I arrived last night, and this is blessed relief; a beach walk is in order, so out I go.
On the staircase down from the street, I meet an older couple and then a family, both groups ascending as I head down. They look like they’ve had a great walk, so I’m suprised to find the tide so high that waves are lapping at the steps. Didn’t these walkers come up from the beach? Now I realize they decided the beach wasn’t accessible today. This is disappointing! What to do? Will the tide continue to rise or is this as far as she goes?? I decide to find out – I’m only here a few days; I can’t miss a walk on the beach.
Just Breathe
With rhythmic certainty – waves in and out – the sea breathes. Sometimes, her breath comes with exertion. Other times, she’s calm and serene – a sleeping sea. Today, she’s active, busy working out. She gives me a workout too, just staying out of her pounding way. Off the stairs and onto the beach, immediately I jump onto a rock. Step out of her way or she’ll tromp on your toes.
As I make my way, carefully timing forward progress with receding waves (I don’t want to be trapped between the cliff on the one side and her eager exertion on the other), I find I’m sweating – tackling the beach during high tide is harder than I expected. I notice locals aren’t braving this; maybe it’s not so wise that no one knows I am here.
Nevertheless, I find the chilly surf invigorating. The sea doesn’t mind me; she’s treating me with kindness, letting me find stable resting places between her heavy steps. She delights and invigorates with a sweet, even rhythm; each wave arriving with a roar and receding with delightful effervescence. There’s fresh energy here for the taking.
Finding Beauty
Our world is beautiful, and the beauty lies in the minutia – wet feet, pounding surf, drifting scent of dill and orange, lizards scampering underbrush, daisy by the wooden stair.This we miss when we travel too fast or listen too closely to the news, which seems designed to create anxiety and reaction.
Genesis One Moments
The book of Genesis differs from the evening news, and I find myself enthralled. Here is God, at the starting block, hovering over what appears to be nothing but darkness and chaos, yet I don’t see anxiety or reaction. All I see here is a mind to create. I try to imagine this scene:
“Darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.”
~Genesis 1:2
Just as this ocean makes me feel small yet alive, so does this image.
I’ve been struck by the “darkness” of some matters – you just can’t see where they’ll go forward. This week, a school shooting in my own backyard – how have these become regular news? This week, a family member of a dear friend takes his own life. How can this feel anything but dark? Where are we headed? Sometimes the future feels dark and unformed, deep and confusing.
I take comfort from this opening view – of God in action – from Genesis one: God hovers over that which appears as dark confusion to us. This is still true, and I don’t want to lose sight of this.
“And darkness was over the surface of the deep.” I love that sentence; the deep has no idea about what’s coming, just as we never really know what’s ahead for us, but what the deep has coming is VERY good – and for one reason:
“The Spirit of God [is] moving over the surface of the waters.” – this is timeless truth. God still moves. And He has the ability to take something that appears to be pure chaos and bring out of it fresh beauty and new life.
Let Go and Let God
To me, this is an invitation to bring what is deep in me – my hopes, fears, dreams and experiences – to the surface. I want to share them with my God who moves with keen perception and a sharp eye for purpose in a way that fills dark, empty space with vibrant, teeming life.
“What’s coming?” – in light of Genesis One – is a question filled with possibility and hope. Our God creates beauty from ashes and new life amid chaos. We have a SOVEREIGN, POWERFUL GOD
…who hovers over dark, empty places and fills them with life…
…who speaks and very good things come to be…
No situation is too dark for Him to find a way forward. We can trust His help.