Time to be inspired.
This morning I let myself rise gently into the day. The writing part of my brain hasn’t awoken yet. I can tell because I misspelled “rise” and started “October” with a Q.
Slow down. Breathe deep. Inhale.
Inspire: breathe life into.
Yes! I need this.
Breathe your love into this “wild and precious“ morning – yet unformed in its creation.As the day’s potential steps shyly into dawn, it’s quietly inviting me early to make my choice. What part will I play in today’s moment as I consider what is yet unformed?
My First Choice
My first choice for today is simply to ask my Father to awaken my eyes, my ears, my mind, and my spirit. And dance with me, Father. I need some fun!
May I – with courage and vulnerability – breathe my life, love, and very being into this today. In the middle of the mundane, I am willing to create something blooming and aflame with goodness… With God… With blessing. ~Amen